

 To Know Which Of Them Are Poisonous And Which Of Them Have Medicinal Value And Help To Heal From Diseases

It Should Be Noted That Magic And Religion Played A Major Role At That Time, As Giving Herbal Medicine Or Treatment Was Accompanied By Incantation, Dancing, And Some Tricks Of Magicians, So The First Doctors In Ancient Times Were Magicians And Charlatans.

Medicine Of The Ancient Egyptians

It Was Noted That The Oldest Records Of Medicine Came From The Egyptian Civilization. 

The Archaeologists Discovered Some Of The Records And Written Manuscripts Describing The Ancient Medical Practices Of The Egyptians, Including Knowledge Of The Human Body. By Studying Mummified Mummies, Knowing How The Heart And Blood Vessels Work, And Some Advice On Skin And Dental Problems, In Addition To Examining Broken Bones, And Treating Burns.

Medicine Among The Romans

Aristotle's Views Influenced Scientific Thinking For The Next Two Millennia

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